Following the feedback received from industry operators after the first round of training on Digital Marketing (Introductory to Digital Marketing), the Pacific Island Trade & Investment, Australia had partnered with leading experts to further develop an advanced series on the same subject.
The subjects on this Advances Digital Training Module included the following;
Search Engine Optimisation (SOE) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
Content Marketing
Distribution Strategies
Payment Solutions

The purpose of this advanced module is to continue to build the knowledge and skills of tourism operators right across the Pacific.
Due to the on-going Covid-19 restrictions, the training was delivered virtually through Zoom to all the South Pacific Tourism Countries which included PNG.
The training was provided by leading industry experts with the likes of Mr. Tom Nguyen - Managing Director for Syndacast, Ms. Katie Smith – Director for Counterpoint, Mr. Len Cordiner – CEO and Founder for World Hotel Links and Mr. Sam Rutledge – General Manager for Kovena.
The training spanned for 4 weeks and was received with a great amount of feedback that followed at the conclusion of the training on 4th November 2020.
The follow-up action from this training will be the development of websites for participating tourism operators and their business, funded by Pacific Island Trade & Investment, Australia.